Back in the saddle again...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 07 Januari 2009 0 komentar

Well, after a much needed break from my Ebay auctions, I FINALLY got all of this week's offerings put on. It seems that I'm always in a crunch to get the photos taken, pictures cropped, descriptions written. I know I should be more organized, but the fact of the matter is, I'm just not. I'd like to think that in 2009, the Organization Fairy will suddenly descend upon my life and fix everything that is, shall we say, not working to its optimal capacity. Sigh...a girl can HOPE can't she? One year, I discovered the Fly Lady, It was a true revelation. I did, indeed gain a great bit of organization that year, but then the next "thing" came along that derailed me (I don't even remember what) and I scrapped her bits of sage wisdom and fell back into my old bad habits. Do you all have these problems with being overbooked and underdisciplined and overwhelmed with life? I will qualify this question by saying that I am living the life I love for the most part, its just the details that sometimes make me crazy. Please send me a comment and let me know that I'm not alone out here in Disorganizationville! In the meantime, here's a mosaic of this weeks' offerings. There's an antique French net lace collar, a lovely Victorian painting featuring pretty little violets, a neat silk embroidery embellished vintage sewing kit filled with notions, a really cool shell that is decorated with shell roses, a handpainted serving dish featuring beautiful pink roses and dated 1915, and a handpainted brooch featuring gorgeous pink roses and blue forget me nots, circa 1900. You can reach my auctions by clicking the button on the left sidebar of my blog, should you be moved to do so. Otherwise, just enjoy the photos and have a great day! Click anywhere on the mosaic to see a larger version of the pictures.

Until next time,

Judul: Back in the saddle again...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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