In Anticipation of Spring...PINK SATURDAY

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009 0 komentar

Happy Pink Saturday! I'm pleased to have a guest blogger today, my friend Denise, Head Antiques Maven from Our Cottage Garden and ebay seller winter-garden. She's going to show you how to make this adorable springy valance from vintage handkerchiefs. Thank you, Denise for sharing a great fun and whimsical project to help shake off these winter blues.

Anticipating Spring

Looking for a fun and easy project to celebrate the arrival of Spring? Warmer breezes tease us to open the windows and listen for the cheerful, chirping birds. Here’s a quick and simple way to add a touch of lightness and color to any window ~ a Spring Hanky Valance ..

You will need:

  • 8 – 12 vintage handkerchiefs .. colorful, floral, lacey, or simply white. If you’re a “collector” as we are, you probably have a stash of pretty ones tucked away somewhere. If not, they are plentiful, easy to find, and very affordable. You can use colors which complement each other, or the room, or just mix-and-match (which makes it more fun).

  • ¾” diameter wood dowel (cut to the proper width) (you will also need brackets of course)

  • Apx 2 yards of vintage ribbon to wrap the dowel. Or acrylic paint and a sponge brush.

  • 8 – 12 vintage curtain clips. Spring-loaded like these are a cinch to use. Or you can stitch the hankies to a variety of other clips.

If you feel creative, you can embellish your clips with vintage millinery, porcelain roses, or other decorations. We added vintage pink velvet roses to some of ours:

This set is available for sale now on eBay:

We decorated another batch with vintage sheer wired butterflies:

This set is available for sale now on Our Cottage Garden.

When you’re ready to redecorate the window, the hankies can be stashed away again (no harm done) .. awaiting their next assignment.

It won’t take long to assemble the materials you need, and even less time to create your valance. If you’re short on time, the materials used to create this valance .. vintage German gilt brass curtain clips, an assortment of vintage hankies, and pale pink velvet ribbon .. are available for sale now on eBay:

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Spring!


Judul: In Anticipation of Spring...PINK SATURDAY
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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