Pretty But Random

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 25 Januari 2011 0 komentar

Hello Friends,

Thank you so much for your uplifting positive comments after my last post.  You guys rock!  It really makes me feel like I am not alone...many of you have experienced not only job loss, but other trials in your life (I guess we all have-DUH!), but you keep your sunny outlook and you keep your face turned to the one who holds all of the answers...the architect of the universe.  I am feeling much better today and wanted to share with you some random prettiness.  I realize that we all have an area or two in our homes that we love and, hence, we take lots of photos of that area.  For me, I guess it is my white mantel.  I realize that I have showed you a ton of pictures of it in various reiterations, and here is....TA!DA! one or two more.  But this time, there's a catch.  The two tall candle holder things were created by little moi.  I read a tutorial here by the talented Rosemary encouraging me to use the little holy candles that you can find at, of all places, Wal Mart. I then dug through my stash of antique laces and found some pretty things to wrap around the candles. I put one crepe paper frill that I got from Etsy from sweet Angela's Etsy shop.  I finished one off with a scalloped heart made out of a page from an old French dictionary and added a punch out of an image of mother and child by Bouguereau that I just love and on the other one, I tied on a tag that I simply adore that was in my package from the very talented Michelle and her Etsy shop (seriously, what the heck did I do before Etsy???).  I think they turned out nice and they certainly go with the theme of my mantel, don't you think?

On a completely unrelated subject, here is my next bit of random pretty, the beautiful Bella.  She got her first shave haircut the other day.  It was pretty shocking since all of her black baby hair was cut off and I brought home a white and silvery gray dog.  We're getting used to it and, if I do say so, she is still a real cutie patootie.

I leave you with another mantle picture which shows exactly why I don't much mind cold winter nights at my house, despite the drafty old Victorian and the endless to do list.  Winter is a season and it is a part of life.  And you know, without it, we probably wouldn't appreciate spring and summer so much.  Hmmmm, good advice I say to myself.  My son read a book last year in school called Trouble Don't Last.  And winter doesn't either.  I think I will try to enjoy it and experience it, and then rejoice in the spring.  But I still feel a bunch of nights sitting in front of the fireplace are in my future.  And that's okay, too.

I'm linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday.  If you love white, you need to stop over and check it out.

Until next time,

Judul: Pretty But Random
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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