Big Snag

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 13 Desember 2011 0 komentar
Well it looks like my wallpaper journey and my $1000 goal hit a big snag. I applied for access to the Green Bay board which is where I post all my wallpapers and ask for donations and they not only denied me access but reported me to the Scout staff and the staff banned me. They gave me no reason or warning just banned my account. I am sure they can come up with some rule that I violated but the truth is everyone on scout creates wallpapers and farks so I don't see the issue. The only thing I can think of is I asked for donations be made to a legitimate website and posted a link to my blog. I guess they didn't like that. I'm sure Fox and Scout are not "pro" cancer they just don't want people to seek donations on their forums, which is understandable. I guess what upsets me is not Scout but the moderators. They are just regular people and I don't get why it was such a big deal to them. Its not hurting anyone and lots of people enjoy the wallpapers. I might be a  troll, but the truth is I actually give them some great content and the moderators can always ask me to remove the link or even remove the links themselves. I don't understand how these packer fans can be so full of themselves that they would think I would somehow harm their board. I know they are having a great season but give me a fucking break and have some humility. To be honest, I am not real sure where to go from here, it's a little depressing. I will still create wallpapers and try to reach my goal but I don't see how I can, this was a huge part of it. I don't see anyway to appeal this decision nor if they would if I asked. All I can really do is keep doing what I am doing. I hope that any readers that I do have enjoy the wallpapers and if you do please donate to my Relay for life page at the top right of the screen.

Judul: Big Snag
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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