My Goals

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013 0 komentar
First Goal: My Relay fundraising goal is $1200 for the Relay For Life of Hwy 70 this year. Last year, I raised just over $1000 and I try very hard to increase that goal every year. Last year my big fundraiser was a Cowboy Christmas Ball I am hoping this website and these custom graphics will be my big fundraiser this year. I don't make you donate, but I hope the majority of the people using these can drop me a fiver on the my fundraising page. If everyone who uses these graphics would do this I could easily reach my goal. So please donate especially if I customize something for you. I really don't want to have to have a bake sale, but I'll do it if I have to. Ahh, my poor unsuspecting community!

(Actually, I make an outstanding pound cake. Thank you Palua Dean! :)

You can donate to my relay page at

Second Goal: Some of you may notice a difference when viewing images, I am switching image hosting to Picasa because it integrates better with blogger. So hopefully it will not only look better, but bring people pinning my graphics to this blog instead of Picture Push my regular image host. I have quite a few images so this is going to take awhile. I will also be adding a watermark to the image so more people can find the site. I held of on this at first because it kinda goes against what I believe, but I want people to find me and this is one way for that. (shh, but I should have just listened to my wife when she told me to do this at the beginning.)

*Don't want the watermark? Donate to page and in the message tell me what cover you want and along with your information tell me to remove the watermark and I will.

Third Goal: After I have changed the majority of the images to the new host I will be updating to a new template.Blogger has some new Dynamic View templates that I really like and will work beautifully on mobile devices, but the images must be moved over first to take advantage of this technology. I am really excited about this and looking forward to the change over.

How you can help Reach my goals: If you have never Relayed before look for Relays in your area and get involved or just go and visit a local Relay that night of the event, you don't have to be on a team to enjoy Relay. I highly recommend the Luminaria Ceremony if you have ever lost a friend or loved one, you'll never feel the same after you grieve and remember with your community. Tell others about this site by using Pinterest,  Facebook, or Google +. Comment! You might have a great idea that would help other Relays, Don't keep it to yourself, if I can help I will.

Thank you for visiting my blog and please use anything on this site you want for you Relay projects.


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