Unexpected Vignette...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009 0 komentar
Sometimes, vignettes are well thought out and executed to perfection. And sometimes, they just happen inadvertantly. This sweet little vignette occured when I made a couple of purchases from Our Cottage Garden and one from an Ebay auction. They arrived in the mail just before I had to leave for work and so I put the little dolls in the box that the findings and rose cards came in and figured I'd put them away later. The next day, I saw them sitting on the table and just smiled at how pretty (and pink) everything looked together. I still haven't gotten around to putting them away. I think I'll wait a little while longer and enjoy looking at them...while I wait, I'm going to pop on over to Bev's at How Sweet the Sound who hosts Pink Saturday and see what the other participants have to offer this week.

Until next time,
Judul: Unexpected Vignette...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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