THANK YOU, and some final thoughts-- Blog Sale (2)

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009 0 komentar
Thanks everyone for participating! I've removed the pictures and edited the post as all items have sold :)

It seems that most of you really enjoy these blog sales! Seeing as this is my second one, I found it interesting to see several repeat buyers :) I'm glad you guys liked it enough the first time to come back for more!
Honestly, I do these sales to kind of give back to you guys. Yes, you're paying me for my products I'm selling, but I enjoy being able to sell things to people I know will really appreciate it --usually at half the cost I paid.
I've never been much of a "cleaner outer" -- especially of makeup products-- but with an overflowing personal collection of beauty products, I've gotten a little more realistic with what I need to keep :) Obviously I love everything I sold or I wouldn't have bought it-- I've just realized that I don't need 4 of the same exact shade you know? haha So we both win! And since my blog readers/twitter followers/subscribers are very near and dear to my heart, it makes me happy to pack up my once beloved little items and send them off to someone that I have a connection to and who will enjoy it as much as I did :)

Ok enough rambling! Thanks so much for everything everyone! all the support means so much to me -- not just with the blog sale, but all your support over these past 15 months has meant the world to me. I appreciate every single one of you!

Another blog sale could be coming in December so start saving lovelies!! ;)

**OH and all items paid for (which I think all of you other than I think 2 people have) will be sent out tomorrow afternoon (Monday, Nov. 2nd) or Tuesday morning at the latest!

Judul: THANK YOU, and some final thoughts-- Blog Sale (2)
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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