It's Pink Saturday!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Hi Fellow Pink Saturday girls,

Its been a while since I came to the party.  Life has just been rather crazy, but I'm sure any woman reading this can relate.  Anyway, I thought I'd share with you something pretty and pink from my neck of the woods.  This fabulous antique silk petit point and jeweled frame purse is something that I purchased a while back.  It is such a stunning piece, I just had to show it to you.  It is pristine and oh, so pretty, with its little personalized initials showing it was "For MR From JP".  Someone must have really cared for the person they had it made for.  There is not a stitch missing and THAT FRAME!  Oh my... Anyway, I kept it for a few weeks before I sold it over at Our Cottage Garden because I just needed to love on it for a while before it found a new home.  I hope you enjoy it.  Of course, I would be remiss in my shopkeeping duties if I didn't mention that we have new listings of beautiful vintage things EVERY NIGHT at Our Cottage Garden.  Pop on over and check it out sometime.  You'll be glad you did! 

Once you are finished ooohing and aaahing over this divine purse, go on over to Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound and see the plethera of other Pink Saturday posts.  And get a cup of coffee or tea and settle are gonna be there for a while absorbed in a pile of pink goodness and some very nice ladies.  And by the way, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Don't forget to take care of "your girls".

Also, check back here on November 1st.  I will be having a wonderful giveaway that you won't want to miss.

Until next time,
Judul: It's Pink Saturday!
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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