Happy Thanksgiving to You

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 23 November 2010 0 komentar

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, I just wanted to wish you all a happy one filled with warm hugs from loved ones, warm food, and a warm and grateful heart.  I know for me personally, it is so easy to get caught up in all that isn't perfect in my life and I know I shouldn't do that because I have so very much to be grateful for.  Gratitude...in the face of a less than stellar economy, daily little frustrations with kids, husband, job, a house that never seems to be done or even company ready no matter how hard I try, wanting to do so much and yet still, only finding 24 hours in a day...those extra 10 pounds that keep finding me, no matter how many times I manage to shed them...artistic longings not quite realized and the voice of negativity that pervades my head whenever I do create and says, "you aren't good enough, talented enough, or dedicated enough to stand beside "real" artists".  All of these things weigh me down when I forget to look up and thank God for all that I am and all that I have.  I am thinking I will try to slow down for one day this week and just be.  Be truly present for my friends and family, savor the moment, and be thankful for my many blessings.  Perhaps even realize that whatever I am, I AM good enough.  And maybe spend a little time out in Blogland over at Kathleen's White Wednesday party (well, I couldn't be COMPLETELY disconnected, could I???).  Thanks for listening.  Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.

Until next time,

P.S. I just updated my Etsy shop, Elegant Farmhouse with beautiful antique white ironstone (more to come this weekend) and some antique grainsack stockings, just in time for Christmas.
Judul: Happy Thanksgiving to You
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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