Pink Saturdays and roses...doesn't get any better!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011 0 komentar

Hey Bloggie Friends,

I've missed you.  I'm happy to rejoin Pink Saturday this week with a few pictures of my porcelain rose collection.  I will try to add a couple more later, but this is a start.  Most of these beauties were made in England and the delicate nature of them appeals to me.  I love this top piece which is unmarked, but it reminds me of a sea urchin and since I love the ocean, it is extra special to me.  I hope you are all having a cozy January.  I've been a little down due to our personal life. Please lift up Mr. FL in prayer for his job search.  We need him to find one sooner rather than later.  I'm trying not to stress, but it is hard not to.  Perhaps a prayer or two for my peace of mind wouldn't hurt either.  I usually keep things kind of light on this blog, but you gals are such great positive spirits that I feel comfortable asking for your thoughts and prayers.  I know deep down that everything will be alright, but right now, it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm going to keep on keeping on though because that's what we women do.  One foot in front of the other, doing what needs to be done, and getting on with it.  Breathe in, breathe out, repeat.  I think that may become my mantra in the coming days and weeks.  And I always know you sweet ladies are here, showing me how to do that or, at the very least, making me forget my troubles for a while as I get immersed in the beauty and light of your blogs.  Thank you for being here. 

Now enough of me "harshing your mellow" on a beautiful Saturday!  I'm joining the lovely Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound for her amazing Pink Saturday.  After you finish scrolling down to see my porcelain posies,pop on over and check it out.  You'll be SO glad you did!

Until next time,

One of my favorites nestled in a cornucopia looking vase

Tiny cake plate posy.  Only about 1 1/2 inches tall.

Bought this one on Our Cottage Garden...I'm not only a seller, I'm also a customer!

Bought the shoe to 4 years ago!  Guess it isn't happening!

Love the little shell
Just a little dose of pretty

Judul: Pink Saturdays and roses...doesn't get any better!
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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