A Beautiful Etsy Treasury

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 08 Februari 2011 0 komentar

Hi Blogger Pals,

I know many of you have Etsy shops like I do and many of you have been lucky to have been featured in some beautiful treasuries (a collection curated by Etsy members). Nothing new here, but I just wanted to show you a beautiful one curated by my friend Lesley from Flatswoods Folk Art who has a beautiful shop on Etsy as well, called A Vintage Season. I was so intrigued by this beautiful treasury which I was featured in that I decided to share it with you for your viewing pleasure. Do feel free to oooh and aaah as the mood strikes you. You can click on any photo in the treasury and be taken to that Etsy listing. Yes, another cool widget thingie which you can find here. I'm starting to think I'm becoming a techno-geek. Hmmmmmm...it is a possibility.

I think I will be taking a bit of liberty and linking this post up with Kathleen's White Wednesday since I seem to have a pretty full dancecard this week and I don't believe I'll have time to pull any additional white inspiration before tomorrow!  I'm sure any working mom can relate to this!  LOL!  Stay warm and hug your loved ones.

Until next time,

Judul: A Beautiful Etsy Treasury
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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