We have a winner...AND a Romantic Prairie Style Photo Challenge

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 02 April 2011 0 komentar

Today is the day, yessirree...we have a winner of Fifi's fabulous new book Romantic Prairie Style and one of my little lavender sachets. AND I have something exciting to tell you at the bottom of the post, so bear with me.

Thank you to all who entered and became followers and tweeted and posted on Facebook.  I wish I had a book to give all of you, but I don't, so we'll just have to congratulate the nice gal who's "number came up".
Mr. Random Number Generator came up with the number belonging to....


I'll be contacting you Karen for your mailing address so I can ship you your treasures.  YAY!

Now, for PART DEUX.    I am pretty excited about this and I hope you are too.  Today on my doorstep, the mailman brought me a SECOND copy of Fifi's book.  Yep, a second one.  Now, at first I thought I'd just have the random number generator generate two numbers.  BUT, that would be too easy.  I thought perhaps we could have a little fun and promote one another as well.  SO, here is my idea:


Between now and tax day for us in the U.S. (April 15th-SHRIEK!), send me a photo from your home, studio, or garden that you feel best represents your take on romantic prairie style.  It can be a vignette or a room photo, whatever you prefer, just send me a file size that is suitable for posting in the XL Blogger picture format because that is the size I like to show on my blog so everyone can see your beautiful details if you are a finalist.  I will pick the 5 entries that I feel best embodies the romantic prairie style and do a post on my blog featuring YOU and your wonderful personal spaces with links to your blogs or websites.  THEN, those 5 people will have their names thrown in the hat and the winner will receive Fifi's book.  Now if you already have Fifi's book, you could give this one as an AWESOME gift and look like a rock star (don't worry, we won't spill the beans that you got it for free!).  Please don't feel that you can't enter just because you don't "need" the prize.  I really want to see your pictures, whether they are brand new or from your files.  Feel free to send up to 3 photos since, if you are like me, you will be torn as to which is the "perfect" one.  Now you don't have to decide.  Also, please don't stress out about your photos.  We are just having fun and that's what its all about.  By entering, you do, of course, imply permission for me to post your photo on my blog should you be a finalist.

My only rule is this:  these MUST be your OWN photos.  No magazine inspiration photos or photos from FLICKR, etc.    Go forth and get those cameras clicking and show me what ya got!  Let's have some fun with this.   If we are a little sluggish getting started, I do reserve the right to push back the end of the contest so we have enough to play.

Send your photos to the email address posted on my sidebar.  It is not a direct link because I don't want the automated bots to fill up my inbox, so sorry for the extra step.  I will send you a very brief confirm that I got your photos.
Spread the word by posting about the contest on your sidebar.  Here's an image you can use if you like, and please link it back to THIS POST so people can find out the details.  

 Until next time,

Judul: We have a winner...AND a Romantic Prairie Style Photo Challenge
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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