Just checking in...again.

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 27 Juli 2011 0 komentar

Hi friends!  Hope you all have been well.  I want to start off by saying I have been working my butt off pulling up carpet and stripping off 2 layers of wallpaper that has been covered by 2 layers of paint.  Yes, it is worth it.  I am doing it for my big little son so he can have his own room that isn't a pit.  And it is worth it because 12 years ago, I promised this old house (107 or so years old) that I would save it and help return it to its former simple beauty that existed before idiots came along and did their best to screw it up.  I am making small steps, but steps nonetheless. 

Sigh...I haven't taken my children to the pool as much as I would have liked.  I haven't been to even one free concert or farmer's market.  Fifi and Mark have not been round to visit MY house.  I haven't taken a picture in I don't know how long.  I haven't made any mosaic art in even longer.  But I'm okay.  One step at a time.  I am a crummy blogger in that I don't document every step of everything I do, but I love this old house, and one of these days, I will have some pictures of the "after" to share with you.  If I am actually willing to share them with you, it will be a miracle, because this redo is literally on a shoestring budget.  BUT hope springs eternal, so bear with me. Later today,  I'm taking my kiddos up to the mountains for a little fun for several days, so I will be out of the loop even more (no computer access-yikes!  I haven't gone "computerless" in a LONG time).

PROUD MOMMA ALERT:  In a photo that I did manage to shoot this summer, I have a picture of my gardening boys showing off the fruits (or would that be vegetables?) of their labors that the pesky squirrels didn't manage to make off with.  Radishes...yum.  They were so proud.  I think they tasted extra good.  From my little boys' hands to our table...now that's summery goodness!

Until next time,

Judul: Just checking in...again.
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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