Can Ya Help a Blogger Out?

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011 0 komentar

While doing a little surfing market research tonight, I stumbled upon an online store I'd not seen before, VivaTerra.  They have some very cool things and I like their philosophy as reflected in their "about us" section of their website:

"Our name VivaTerra or living earth is inspired by our dedication to living in harmony with nature - for a healthier life now and for future generations. All of our products reflect a commitment to:
ecology and elegance: The finest goods that uniquely fuse exceptional quality and design with eco sensitivities.
organic, sustainable sources: The purest ingredients and sustainable resources possible - selected to be the best available.
earth and people friendly: Partners and suppliers who share our values and work to make a positive difference in the world.
handcrafted by artisans: Distinctive goods of uncommon value, handcrafted by passionate designers and artisans.
celebrate life: Celebrate life and human spirit by honoring traditions from cultures around the world."

Gotta love that, right?  Anyway, the little 3 bin wire basket shown above is calling my name, but the $169 price tag is not.  Does anyone know where I could get a similar piece with a more "consumer friendly" price?  You guys are awesome resources and I just thought MAYBE someone had come across something like this in their travels.  If not, no worries, I'll probably get over it, but I thought it would look SO cute in the little man's new room (still in progress).

Oh and BTW, little man and I went to our first IKEA store on Sunday. Denver FINALLY got one, the first in the state of Colorado which had opened 5 days prior.  HOLY COW!  It was like going to Disney World...all sorts of traffic directing from the signs at the interstate to the gazillions of neon green vested workers pointing the way.  THEN we got in the parking garage and shuffled in the building along with several hundred of our closest friends.  :-)  It was about feeling like you were stuck in a herd of cows.  MOO!  But it was SO cool.  I got a set of 6 juice glasses, a long ceramic tray that they showed with 3 small pillar candles on a bed of small river rocks, one of those cool metal plant pots that look they are edged with lace on top, and a vanilla candle. All for under $13 bucks, including tax.  Not to mention the awesome ideas I got for future reference.  Sweet!  I see why you gals are so crazy for IKEA. 

Thanks in advance Bloggie Friends!

Until next time,
Judul: Can Ya Help a Blogger Out?
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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