How I Use Hot Curlers

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 16 Januari 2012 0 komentar
Ok, so is it "hot curlers" or "hot rollers"? I'm guilty of interchanging both terms... but I'm just curious as to which is most widely used.
I keep wanting to say "rollers" in all the titles for the current video/post/tweets on the subject.
...and something always tells me to go with "curlers".

Ok, enough with the words, Tiffany.
I really love using hot rollers/curlers. I mastered the use of them early in my high school years and never looked back. So much so that the thought of using of a curling iron was crazy to me. (I didn't learn to use one of those babies until just a few years ago.) Anyway, I find that knowing how to use both is a good thing because they actually yield much different results.
I love using a curling iron when I have some extra time on my hands to get ready and when I want more defined, deliberate, "vertical" looking curls.
When I only have about five to ten minutes on my hands to actually mess with my hair, I go with hot curlers. I can get these babies in my hair in five minutes, then do my makeup and finish getting ready while they "set" in my hair. I love them. The result? Beautiful, soft curls that last all day.
To see exactly how I use mine and to get some tips on how to get the best results from them, check out my tutorial below.

Judul: How I Use Hot Curlers
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