The Wallpaper History Society

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 29 Februari 2012 0 komentar

The Wallpaper History Society based in England has a few announcements:
It is with deepest sadness that we inform our members that Merryl Huxtable, a founding member of the Wallpaper History Society, died October 16th 2010.  Merryl was a Senior Paper Conservator at the V&A. She specialized in works of art on paper and parchment.  A much loved colleague and friend, Merryl will be very deeply missed.
They would also like to make it known that they now accept Paypal for subscriptions to the Society, which includes your very own copy of the excellent international-in-scope Wallpaper History Review edited by Christine Woods. Go to this page for more info:

For those who don't know:

Founded in 1986, the Wallpaper History Society was established to promote an awareness and understanding of historic and contemporary wallcoverings. Our scope is broad and encompasses not only the history of wallpapers but also topics relating to other types of wallcoverings, the subject of interior decoration as a whole and the increasing role which digital technology plays in design.
The study of wallcoverings was traditionally seen as rather esoteric, of interest only to specialist researchers and enthusiasts. But in the mid-1980s, articles on period decoration began to feature regularly in journals and magazines and it became clear that a much larger audience had developed an interest in the subject. Even so, information about, for example, the manufacture, design and location of historic and contemporary patterns could still be hard to obtain. The Wallpaper History Society was founded to help answer questions of this kind by developing both a network of sources and ways in which information could be made accessible.
The Society aims to encourage research and provide information on all aspects of wallpaper design, production and consumption, to foster an awareness of the importance of preserving period decorations, and to provide a much needed point of contact for all the different groups and individuals interested in these issues.
Judul: The Wallpaper History Society
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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