Sew...How are You?

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 30 Mei 2013 0 komentar

Hi Bloggie Friends,

Do you have a "thing" for sewing implements, especially pretty ones?  Well, I do-don't judge.  My mom sewed like nobody's business and so I think I have a soft spot for anything sewing related.  Lucky for me, I've managed to pick up some awesome things over the years like the spools of silk ribbon above and the amazing little lady tape measure shown below.  She's porcelain and I like to imagine she's Marie Antoinette.  She's missing the first couple of inches of her tape, but I don't care, I think she is still awesome.

Wouldn't you love to have this beauty in your studio?  Found it out in cyberspace-a girl can dream, right?

This tape measure has my favorite, little ribbon work garlands.  Also just a dream from cyberspace, but yummy...

A pretty oversized pin cushion, sewing bag, and stuffed sewing basket from my Etsy shop...

Pretties from Pinterest...

 A silk ribbon chatelaine used to hold sewing supplies like scissors, thimbles, awls, and strawberry emories...

 Amazing sterling thimbles...notice the one on the right is engraved "Doris".  How sweet, don't you think?

This one is my favorite.  I love anything with cherubs on it.

Hope you enjoyed this brief little tour of pretty sewing items.  Do you collect vintage sewing stuff?  Some day I'll have to share some more of my collectibles with you, but for now, let me leave you with an image of a sweet little antique bisque dolly I dressed this weekend.  She will eventually be put in my Etsy shop, but for now, she is making me smile.

And one more pretty old roses were faded but still worthy of admiration.

Oh, and one more thing: I am so grateful to share a beautiful online magazine from my blog friend Kerryanne from Woodberry Designs.  It is called Simply Shabbilicious and sweet Kerryanne has featured my little closet of dreams.  Go check it out.  You will LOVE it and word on the streets is, it will become a published magazine in addition to an online one with the next issue.  Thank you Kerryanne for including me in your wonderful publication!

Until next time,
Judul: Sew...How are You?
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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