Maybe it's just spring...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 22 April 2009 0 komentar

Okay, I don't know if its just the hint of impending spring or what, but I'm feeling restless in my decor. I've always loved my home, small though it is, but after almost 10 years in the same place, I'm feeling like its time for a change. I've been getting inspired from places like Pottery Barn for my family room and am leaning towards darkish chocolate (maybe milk chocolate) walls for my "pretty room" otherwise known as the living room or, as it was called in the Edwardian era, the "entry hall". I'm also getting anxious to renovate our home office and rip up that hideous carpet upstairs and rearrange my son's room, and...okay, you see where this is going. And then there's the studio we are building. Now that, I envision as a Nordic French kinda fusion. As illustrated in Franske stemninger på nordisk vis, a beautiful book printed in Danish only which has so many stunning pictures, you don't need to read it. Although if you could read Danish, it would be handy. The name translates to "French Atmosphere in the Nordic Way" and it is a very pretty combo. to pay some bills. Reality, you know? Anybody else out there feeling restless?

Until next time,
Judul: Maybe it's just spring...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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