The Armchair Shopper...why don't you join me?

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 18 April 2009 0 komentar
Happy Pink Saturday! I don't know about where you live, but where I live, we had a very mild winter and are now "enjoying" a very snowy spring. Today is very gray and cold, so not much good for taking pictures. I decided to go shopping from my armchair and share with you some of my favorite things from some of my favorite webshops.

The first two photos are from Our Cottage Garden-can't blame a girl for a little shameless self promotion, can you?

My friend Denise makes these gorgeous mini wreaths/tiaras from vintage millinery. They've been very successful for her and they usually get snapped up as soon as she puts them on the site. This is one of my favorites.

A pretty box of pink ribbon and trims. Yummy, yummy!

Lidy at French Garden House has such a great eye and does such a super job showcasing her products like these extremely realistic looking faux rose wreaths.

Janet at Shabbyfufu has these adorable pink confections made from old doll heads and antique bottles and loads of fluff.

Gloria from Shabbytown has these wonderful pink lamps with one of my favorites...cherubs. Maybe I'll find a pocketfull of change and then I can get these divine beauties!

Heather at Pretty Petals (a fellow blogger and all around talented lady) had these wonderful collage packs on her site. I just want to sit and stare at them.

And last, but not least, one of my favorite online shopping stops, Ebay, had this sweet vintage purse featuring a plethora of pink velvet strawberries on it. I tried to get it, but was unsuccessful. Alas, I must just admire it from afar.

I hope you've enjoyed our little shopping trip through cyberspace. Maybe the weather will be more cooperative and I can take some of my own new photos for next post. If you have time, pop over to Bev at How Sweet the Sound and visit the other Pink Saturday participants' blogs.
Until next time,
Judul: The Armchair Shopper...why don't you join me?
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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