Gone Fishin...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 18 April 2012 0 komentar

Yes, what we have here is a complete disconnect between the post title and the photos.  The photos are a result of some late night fiddling with photo processing which I rarely do because I take such lovely photos right off the camera.  OK, just kidding, the truth is, I do prefer less editing and more real photography, that is a fact, but the REAL truth is (get in close now, we don't want to say this too loud), I don't really know how to do much photo editing.  Read: the girl is clueless and doesn't have much desire to learn. 

With this in mind, you can imagine how happy I was to find Picnik some time ago.  Easy to use, free (even better), and fun.  It came in handy for those times when I needed a little somethin somethin.  But alas, they are shutting down tomorrow.  INSERT BIG FROWNY FACE HERE.  My friend Rene' blogged yesterday about another photo editing site very similar to Picnik called Picmonkey.  Hmmmmm, need to check this out says I.  So, last night after work, I piddled around a bit and I have to say, it is very similar to Picnik, easy to use, even for the editing challenged, and it looks like they are adding more features in the future.  I have to say, I think I'm going to like it.  I particularly liked the daguerreotype thing that I added to my first picture.  They had some neat text fonts too.  Kind of makes me want to think about doing some fluffing and designing a new header for the blog.  But maybe not today...

My photos, only prettier...

Which gets me to the reason for my blog title.  I've been working hard around these parts, tiling a bathroom (that's a story for another day), trying to keep up with my Etsy shop, my blog, my real job, my kids...you know, typical mom stuff.  But sometimes, something's gotta give.  I'm middle aged and I'm pooped. So, friends, for the rest of this week, color me gone.  I am hanging out the metaphorical "Gone Fishin" sign and giving myself a break so that when I post again, it will be because I have something to say or show you and not just because I am racking my brain to come up with something clever.  I know a lot of you talented folks just include your camera and your thoughts as you go along and the whole web log thing comes natural to you.  You are or were probably journalers.  Not me.  Before I began this blog, the only time I ever felt a need to write my thoughts down were when things were so bad that I just didn't have any other outlet and that wasn't very often.  Blogging about fun things and pretty things and things that inspire me or things that I do just doesn't come naturally.  I'm trying to work on that because I think it is a good exercise and I think it has helped to open certain channels of creativity; and well, it's fun to connect with like minded people all over the world. I certainly would have no trouble yakking it up with you if you were standing next to me...but I am so envious of those who can just sit down and write about your day and show us a few pictures, hit "post" and make us want to come back again tomorrow.  That is a gift.  So, for all of you gifted peeps out there, "thank you" for sharing your world and your creativity with all of us.  Now, I am going to go out and go junkin' before work (how decadent) just because I want to.  If you comment on this post, know that I always love to hear from you and I will be reading your thoughts but I won't be responding for a few days.  Enjoy your week and don't have too much fun without me. 

Until next time,
Judul: Gone Fishin...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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