When Worlds Collide

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 28 April 2012 0 komentar

Hello Bloggie Friends,

So, let's see if this equation sounds familiar...

1 little boy with the face of a cherub + 1 ball illegally brought in the house + 1 shelf full of Momma's pretties = LIFE happens.

Now I wasn't happy, but I have to say, my boys are 9 and 12 and before this, each of them had only broken one thing each and that was when they were babies, so I suppose I can't complain.  But REALLY?  3 in 1 fell swoop?  Man...good thing I love that little stinker!  I'm happy to report that a little time spent with a tube of super glue and all is well again.  At least as much as it will ever be.  Life goes on, even when the world of children and the world of stuff collide.

On a different note, our Bechtel crabapple is finally blooming.  It is a later blooming crab, so we had to be patient until our pretty girl put out her blossoms, but it was definitely worth the wait.

I played around a little more with PicMonkey and actually used a texture.  I know, I'm probably the last person in Blogland to try it, but some of us are slow to change.  I still prefer beautiful photos right off the camera, but this subtle parchment texture did give it a nice romantic look.

This little photo corner doodad was kind of fun too when paired with a retro photo look...

Well, that's all I've got for right now.  I'm planning on doing a little antiquing this weekend at a really fun show that is in the area each April.  Next week, I'll show you the couple of cool things I picked up on my brief junkin' jaunt last week.

Until next time,

Judul: When Worlds Collide
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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