What I Got For Christmas! ...and a Sephora/Shoes Haul

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013 0 komentar
So keeping with my new little tradition I started last year, I wanted to share with you all what I got for Christmas! You all loved that video so much that I decided to do it again this year... with a little twist.

First of all, we had a wonderful Christmas this year with lots of time spent with family and friends. It's so much fun being able to give gifts and give back this time of the year.  It's also such a great feeling to receive special gifts from loved ones, which is why it's so fun for me to share it with you all.

Now as I explain in the video, I'm pretty much the worst at making Christmas lists and asking for things I want. So that usually means I receive a lot of gift cards, which I love. Mainly because being able to go shopping with the gift cards and cash I've gotten is really fun.  I can have some fun shopping and pick out exactly what I want. Well this year, I decided to include what I purchased in this video as well. So I'm sharing my actual gifts as well as what I purchased after. Sort of like a little Christmas haul.
I got some amazing shoes I had been looking at and wanting for what feels like forever. I'm so happy with them! I also picked up some fun beauty stuff from Sephora.
Check it all out in the video below!!

What I'm wearing in this video...

Here are some of the goodies from the video below! I also included several options of some things that were no longer available for you guys...

Oh and be sure to check out my recent post all about our Christmas Eve dinner this year! I shared some of my favorite recipes as well as some tips for getting a big dinner all set-up. You can check that post out here.

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Happy New Year too! ;)

*Post contains affiliate links. Post contains my genuine recommendations and opinions. Not a sponsored post.
Judul: What I Got For Christmas! ...and a Sephora/Shoes Haul
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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