Romantic Summer Eyes: Josie Maran Cosmetics

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 30 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Products used:Josie Maran Cosmetics:Fingerpaints quad in SweetEye Shaodow:ValentineEternityCinnamonBeachMascara in BlackUrban Decay liquid liner in PerversionJosie Maran Cosmetics:Bronzing Powder in Beach No. 1Cream Blush in SunriseLip Liner in BlushLipgloss in Radiance SWATCHES:Fingerpaints quad in SweetEye Shadow in Beach, Cinnamon, Valentine, EternityBeachCinnamonValentineEternityLipgloss in...

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You're Never Too Old to Play with Dolls...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 29 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I found this sweet little jointed bisque doll in an antique store last week (the same one where I found the pink prize ribbons in my last post). I'm such a sucker for these sweet little dolls. Only problem was, she needed clothes. She had just her little silvery top, but no skirt. What's a girl to do? I had such fun going through my stash and finding a beautiful old piece of 1920's silver metallic...

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My BDAY Wishlist

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
Since I love Miss Lorrainey (and her blog too) I figured I would join in the fun and do a b-day wish list also because hers was so fun.For those of you wondering my birthday is July 16th (I'll be tha big 2-5...EEEEK)*This is not an actual list I would give to someone or expect to get all of or anything. These are more like things I would just buy for myself...hahaMy ultimate want for this year was...

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A Pretty Pink Puppy Prize

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I was tickled "pink" this week when I stopped by one of my favorite antique shops and found these two pink first prize ribbons from the late 1950's. Not only are they pink and gold and in pristine condition, but they are from my town's kennel club. Local history buffs rejoice! I needed them like a hole in my head, but who could resist these beauties???? Obviously, not little moi (wink, wink).Must...

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Nails: Shower Together

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 24 Juni 2009 0 komentar
China Glaze: Shower Togetherhmmm ... not too much to say here. But I love it! It's a tad more green than photographed. Actually the top picture is pretty close to the actual color. ...

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Summer Color: TEAL Bright Eyes

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 23 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Products Used:MAC Rollickin' Paint PotNYX Jumbo Eye Shadow Pencil-MilkMAC Aquadisiac eye shadowAqua eye shadow (pro)Kelly eye shadow (pro)Bottle Green eye shadow (pro)Chill eye shadowUrban Decay liquid liner-PerversionMAC Powerpoint eye liner-So There JadeMAC Plushlash MascaraBlanc Type eye shadowMAC blush- PrismMAC lip pencil-StripdownMAC lipstick-Hug...

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July '09 MAC Collection Details

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 22 Juni 2009 0 komentar
6.25.09July seems to hold some pretty exciting things (MAC collection-wise), AHEM AND it's my 25th birthday!! (July 16, ya know, for those wondering)So I decided that it would be so stupid to basically rip off other people's information (even if I posted the source, it would be THE SAME information -- just unnecessary) by posting the typical "MAC Color Story" Information for each collection. So...

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Collection Info.

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
Click the links below to get the details!**Please note, I try to sort all of the MAC collection info by the month they're released. Please understand that the release dates are not always accurate. :)OH and a lil helpful hint-- Collections will release online 2 days prior to the store release date listed below. :)Oh and don't flip...if you can't click it, I don't have a post for it yet :) Check...

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MAC... I think it's about to get good...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
6.22.09So pretty much every collection that has come out so far this year since Hello Kitty (with the exception of the Dazzleglass collection) has just not excited me much. So recently when I would anticipate the past few collections released, I would get excited and make my little list of things I wanted. So I would excitedly go to the MAC store to check out everything in person and I would just...

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Matte Nail Polish! Zoya

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 19 Juni 2009 0 komentar
6.19.09Zoya Matte Velvet nail polish in DovimaWhen I heard Zoya was releasing a few matte shades, I was super excited. I ordered only one, Dovima, which is the darkest almost black shade. They also have a more gray one and a pretty maroon shade. Well, I can safely say I'll probably be ordering the other two very soon! I was actually shocked to have gotten mine so quickly...From what I knew, these...

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Summertime Glam: Simple Summertime Smokey Eye

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 18 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Products Used:Benefit F.Y.Eye primerMAC Constructivist Paint PotThe Balm Shady Lady Eye Shadow Palette:Caught in the Act CourtneyShameless ShanaJet-Setting JenniferMAC Tan PigmentMAC Chromaline in Black Black (Pro)Bee Lushious Lashes MascaraMAC Viva Glam V LipstickBacklit 3D glass (discontinued, but any golden/yellow would work!)NARS Madly powder blushMAC So Ceylon Mineralized Skinfin...

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Pink Roses for Pink Saturday

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Wow! I never cease to be amazed at how quickly the days and the weeks fly by. I didn't mean to take a vacation from blogging, but I certainly did. Hmmmmmm, a full life? Yes, I suppose. Too many tasks, too little time? Most definitely. Baseball 6 nights a week? Yup, that too. All excuses aside...HAPPY PINK SATURDAY! These sweet little pink shrub roses are my first yard bouquet of the year....

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The "Claire Series"

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 12 Juni 2009 0 komentar
I had so much fun doing Claire's makeup-- If you were curious to see all the products I used, you can now check them all out below!First Video (Easy, Flawless Skin--The No Makeup, Makeup Look)MACLightful Deep Ultramoisture creamFace & Body Foundation C3 (Now Pro, but still available at some stores)Select Cover-Up NC35Mineralized Skinfinish Natural in Medium DarkSelect Moisturecover concealer NW25Benefit...

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Nails: Mellow Yellow

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 08 Juni 2009 0 komentar
OPI Banana BandanaYellow nails are SO fun for summer! I love the soft buttery (but bright) shade of this particular yellow. The formula honestly wasn't bad either. At 2 coats, it was pretty opaque. Up close, it does look a lil' streaky, but it's still gorgeous, nonethele...

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How-To: Perfect Red Lips (Gwen Inspired)

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009 0 komentar
Products used:MAC Lip ConditionerBenefit BenetintMAC lip pencil in CherryMAC lipstick in MAC RedCoastal Scents Lip/Concealer BrushBenefit clear lipglossMake Up For Ever Double-Ended lip pencil in no 100 (or just use any concealer in pencil form or with a concealer brush)Coastal Scents Taklon Flat Liner/Concealer brushSome helpful tips:*Make sure your lips are well-exfoliated. I mean, you don't have...

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MAC Blush Palettes

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Rabu, 03 Juni 2009 0 komentar
6.4.09Hey guys! Here is a little peek into my MAC blush palettes and how I organize them. Keep in mind these are just my powder blushes (and just MAC). I don't depot the cream blush or mineral blush or even some of the limited edition ones in cute packaging. I actually depot most of the l.e. ones because the little pots are annoying... I think I only have a couple that are not depotted (HK and Manish...

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