Everyday Winged Liner: Lauren Conrad Makeup Howto

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 30 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Products Used:MAC Painterly Paint PotMAC eye shadows:VapourSoft BrownGlamour Check (or Bronze)Phloof!Loreal Carbon Black Liner IntenseCover Girl Lashblast mascaraMAC So Ceylon Mineralized Skinfinish (or any bronzer with light shimmer)MAC Cantaloupe powder blush (MAC Pro)NARS Albatross highlighting powderYSL Golden Gloss #20(not shown in video: Lancome Tient Idole Freshwear Foundati...

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How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 25 Juli 2010 0 komentar
We all know that quality makeup brushes can be quite an investment. Makeup brushes, to me, are just as important as the cosmetics themselves where overall results are concerned. Properly cleaning them not only keeps the brushes themselves nice and well-conditioned, but it can keep your skin cleaner and clearer as well. Keep your brushes performing their best by following a few easy cleaning tips and...

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Kim Kardashian Dramatic Bronze Smokey Eye

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 13 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Products Used:MAC Paint Pot in Soft OchreMAC eye shadows:RicepaperSoft BrownTwinksSwiss ChocolateBronzeCarbonStila Eye Kajal liner in Tigers EyeLoreal Carbon Black Liner IntenseCovergirl Lashblast Volume MascaraNars Laguna BronzerSmashbox Blush in RadianceMAC lipstick in AngelMAC lipglass in Nymphe...

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Red Glitter Nails for the 4th!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 04 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Illamasqua in UntoldHappy 4th of July everyone! I'll be sporting this color on my nails while cooking out and seeing a fireworks show to celebrate our Independence Day. Looks very cute with my blue romper! :)Ok, so enough of that- about the color... Red is not my favorite color and I usually despise the hassle of glitter nail polish, but this combo is actually quite nice. This shade is a very dense...

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