MAC Disney Venomous Villains! My Haul in Pictures and a Video Review/Swatches!...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 21 September 2010 0 komentar
I'm so glad I was able to make it to the MAC Venomous Villains collection early release party. Being a total Disney fan (and always kind of having an obsession with the villains) I went for the idea of the collection... not for the actual products. I know, shame on me. But I ended up leaving with quite a bit and finding some great things! Here are pictures of what I purchased. Be sure to check...

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Tips to Make Eyes Look Bigger and Brighter!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 18 September 2010 0 komentar
Judging by the majority of questions I've received over the past few years, it seems that many of you simply want to solve a few common problems around the eye area. Whether it's brightening up tired eyes and making them look more awake, enlarging smaller eyes, or generally wanting a more flattering, brighter, larger eye appearance. There are so many makeup tricks you can use to do this. Check out...

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UD Naked Palette Tutorial: Smokey Natural Bronze

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 11 September 2010 0 komentar
Products Used:Urban Decay Naked Palette ($44)Urban Decay Primer PotionColors used:ToastedBuckHustleSmogCreepVirgin24/7 eye pencil in zero and whiskeyLash Fusion XL mascaraNARS blush in MadlyLipfusion Infatuation in Ange...

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