Japanese Wallpaper

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Artful and intricate, "Leather Papers" contributed mightily to the elegant late 19th century interior, but we still know too little about them. I was surprised yesterday when out of nowhere out pops an old friend in the middle of a list of search results: the fine article about Japanese leather paper by Felicity Leung.  The link is below, from which a free PDF can be downloaded.LEUNG, F.. Japanese...

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Swedish Wallpaper

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
after sending out the essay on historic paperhanging technique I got several interesting "thank you" emails and links to new and interesting sites, like this one in Sweden:http://www.handtrycktatapeter.se/Handtryckta Tapeter are busily engaged in "...handprinting wallpapers for castles, mansions, appartements and huts around the world for 30 years now..."I do work in castles on occasion (even if my...

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
via Do you ever see a photo that sums up the way you are feeling just perfectly?  This one does it for me.  I love the ocean.  The light sparkling on the water and the sand beneath my feet, waves crashing, all make me feel alive, peaceful, and grateful.  But that same ocean, when viewed on a stormy day is another thing altogether.  I feel small and insignificant and vulnerable....

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Full Foundation Routine: Easy and Quick!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
I get excited about foundation tutorials. I don't get excited about foundation tutorials that make such a task seem like rocket science.I'm guilty of posting a few of those in my day, I'm sure. Actually I'm positive.So I really wanted to do an updated one showing you all that you can actually do a full foundation routine quick and easily using all the bells and whistles -- primer, foundation, concealer,...

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Behind the Scenes... Sigma Beauty Video Shoot with xSparkage!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 22 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Minneapolis again to film some makeup tutorials for Sigma Beauty with xSparkage. Leesha and I had a great time!We filmed four videos- two looks each. I think they all came out awesome! I can't wait for you all to see them.The videos should be available sometime in September. Don't worry, I'll let you guys know as soon as they're up!Here are some behind-the-scenes...

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Because Free Perfume is Always Fun... A Little Shopping Haul

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
I cannot tell you how excited I am every time I get my Ulta rewards certificate in the mail and I have enough for a free perfume. It's like I've won a major award or something.Cue leg lamp clip.I seriously haven't paid for a perfume in as long as I can remember. Which probably explains my shamefully large perfume collection.So you can probably imagine my excitement when I had enough points for TWO...

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Back to School.... Back to School...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
...or work.What's genius about my back to school tips is that they are the SAME ones I would give for the working gal. So give this one a chance.I'm totally guilty of overlooking these "back to school" type videos myself, just because, well... I'm not in school anymore.But these tips are really great for everyone because it's all about creating a quick, easy, and long-wearing look that will take...

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Historic Paperhanging Techniques: A Bibliographic Essay

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
"Historic Paperhanging Techniques" is now available as a free download here (bottom of page).Little has been written on paperhanging technique. Trade magazines tell about the workaday world of the paperhanger, but these didn't start until 1875 and are not widely available. Nevertheless, there's a considerable body of information out there if you know where to look: this essay helps you do just...

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Can Ya Help a Blogger Out?

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
While doing a little surfing market research tonight, I stumbled upon an online store I'd not seen before, VivaTerra.  They have some very cool things and I like their philosophy as reflected in their "about us" section of their website:"Our name VivaTerra or living earth is inspired by our dedication to living in harmony with nature - for a healthier life now and for future generations. All...

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Enchanting Teal Makeup Tutorial

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Products Used:Sigma Flare Palettecolors used: Crush, Oversee, Define, PublicizeMAC Fluidline in BlacktrackBenefit They're Real mascaraTarte Amazonian Clay blush in PeacefulMAC Lipglass in Nymphettenot shown:Make Up For Ever Mat Velvet+ liquid foundationRevlon Brow Fantasy in Dark Blo...

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Some July Favorites!

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
It's that time again! My favorite beauty products I discovered (and rediscovered) during the month of July. Hope you like :)In other news, Brad and I are thinking about starting a home blog. Though...

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Have you seen "Patina Style" yet?

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR 0 komentar
Just me here doing the quick check in.  The Colorado mountains were lovely but now it's back to the routine.  We rode horses, rode an alpine slide, the boys climbed the climbing walls and jumped on the bungee trampolines, we rafted, we boated, we swam, and we ate (a lot!).  Good times were had by all, but boy were we pooped!  Anyway, thanks for your comments on my last post. ...

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