Pink Saturday and New Pretties

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009 0 komentar
I thought this little handpainted drawer was just divine with its old green paint, pretty pink handpainted roses, and glass knob. But then as I was setting up my pictures for listing it on Ebay, I thought it would be fun to show it with some of the pretty items I have procured this week after visiting some wonderful online shops which I have actually come across by blogging...who knew? Anyway, many of those items just happen to be PINK, hence the relevance for a PINK SATURDAY post, hosted by Bev at How Sweet the Sound. My creative juices start flowing just looking at this box of pretty ribbons, millinery, and wish tickets from Andrea and gorgeous Paris inspired gift tags from Amy . The beautiful handpainted drawer is available by clicking here. I think I'll organize my creative bits and bobs something like this once my art studio is finished being built. Organization AND beauty = a winning combination, don't you think? Well, I have an antique sale to attend tomorrow, so I simply MUST cut this one short.

Until next time,
Judul: Pink Saturday and New Pretties
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