CH CH CH CH CHanges...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Hello sweet blogger friends!  I have so sadly neglected my blog over the last 6 months or so...partially because I have been busy with this:
Bella, the Yorkie, aged 4 1/2 months.  She is such a sweetie, but it is really like having another baby.  If anyone has any helpful hints on the potty training thing, please send a comment my way.  She just can't seem to wrap her little brain around the fact that the entire house is OUR kennel and we don't do our business on the floor.  Ugh...

Then, there was some of this:

With these wonderful fellas:

 Can you guess why they call this Lily Pad Lake?

I took a little time off from work and cosmetically redid a downstairs bathroom.  I painted the walls, added some pretty baseboard molding which was SO much better than the rubber institutional "am I in a prison?" stuff that was there before, made a shower curtain because of COURSE nobody on the planet seemed to have a ready made one that I liked, and I made a great shelf using some old architectural salvage that had been in my basement forever, just waiting for this project to come to the top of the to do list.  The shelf was my favorite part because it allowed me to display my favorite blue and white transferware which had been waiting patiently in my cupboard to be put out for view.  I love it.  Next on my list is to replace the vanity and the light fixture, but it will have to wait for another time when time, energy, and money prevail.

I decided years ago that I wanted to slipcover my living room couch in white denim.  This summer, I finally took my money that I had saved and had it done.  I also had a white denim slip made for my bench ottoman and had a pair of yard sale chairs redone in a fabulous taupe on cream toile.  This, of course, led to wanting some pillows made out of the incredible antique German grain sacks which have been all over the blogging world.  I made a few for myself to accompany the reproduction one I got from Jeanne d'Arc Living.  This then led to a rather major obsession acquiring several antique grain sacks and sewing more and more and more pillows to sell on Etsy.  I'll give you the heads up when I actually get them listed.  I am very excited since I think they turned out very nice.

Then, I guess on top of everything else, I have just been feeling restless about my blog.  I have loved its look for the last couple of years, but I've been wanting to redo it in the last few months.   I've been putting it off and putting it off since it seemed a little daunting.  Tonight was the night that it finally happened.  I really like the look of it, I hope you do, too.   I admire you blogger gals that shake up your look periodically.  I may at some point have to get more fancy, but for now, this will have to do.

If you are still reading this and you haven't totally lost interest, thank you.  I am always amazed that anyone would be even remotely interested in what drivel I might post on my little piece of cyberspace.  I will try to be more faithful with my posts since I do enjoy it once I get off of my rear end and do it and it is a great incentive to see what that Canon Rebel can do.  

Until next time,

P.S.  Not even 24 hours have passed and I have yet again updated my look.  So funny but when  I started blogging a couple of years ago, your blog design was all about the bells and whistles...pretty backgrounds, gadgets, and gizmos.  Now its all about the pictures.  SO, we have come full circle and are looking for the clean, uncluttered look of the page that allows the photos to shine.  Ah well, like I said in this post title, "CH CH CH CH Changes"!

Judul: CH CH CH CH CHanges...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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