Playing with Sophisticated Finishes Patina Solution

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 12 April 2011 0 komentar

A few weeks ago, I was shopping at a little junque shop in town.  I say junque because junk is a bit harsh, but antique is a bit of a stretch.  I saw this little metal terrarium thing complete with candles and silk flower bits (I appreciate the thought, but not so much the outcome).  I didn't buy it first time around, but then a couple of weeks, went back and decided it just needed to come home with me.  AND I needed to do a little fussing with it until it was more rusty crusty and full of character.  Below is what it looked like when I brought it home.

Before, as purchased.  Not bad, just not me
I have used this product before and like it a bunch.  It is Sophisticated Finishes and it can be found at Michael's.  It comes in a bunch of different finish options and is a 2 step process.
This set gives an aged copper patina
First you paint on the base coat.  I had the aged copper kit, so the first step made everything deep copper metallic color.
After the first step of the process.  Copper metallic finish.

Then, you add the patina liquid and let it sit.  I did a lot of dappling with a sponge brush and just let it run wherever.  As you might guess, the tray got the best of the patina since it is flat and the liquid doesn't run off.  If you like "extra crusty", you can toss a little salt in the mix and it does a bit of the pock thing.  Kinda cool.
After the second "patina" step has been added. 
I liked it, but it was a little too orangey for the look I wanted, so I got on line and found out that Sophisticated Finishes also has a kit that is iron and rust.  Since I used up the last of my copper patina on this project and I had a coupon for 40% off at Michael's, I decided to replenish my rusty crusty maker stock with the iron and rust.  I then dabbled on both steps so I wouldn't completely obliterate the coolness of the finish I already had, but I could just tone it down a bit. Below is the result.
After adding dabs of the Iron/Rust set
I like it.  Funny how sometimes it just takes a little more layering before you're happy with the result.

Then came the fun part of putting some stuff in the structure.  I printed off some stuff from the Graphics Fairy and decided on the Birdie Darling sheet music cover.  I added an actual bird's nest which was abandoned in one of my Christmas wreaths one year, put in some Quail eggs, a little lace scrap to soften things, a crusty old finial, and the cute little porcelain bird which was on clearance at Michael's (OK, yes, impulse buy, but I did resist the first time I saw it and only bought it the second time around, so I think I get a little credit!).  I'm not sure I'm totally happy with the inside vignette yet, but the fun thing is, I can play until my heart is content now that I have it looking the way I wanted.  I like that now it isn't so obviously new like it was before.  Rusty and crusty and a little elegant.  Ahhhhhh, PERFECT!  And, pretty easy as well.  If you like to alter stuff to look like old metal, I think the Sophisticated Finishes do a pretty good job.  The kit runs around $12, but you can get several small projects out of it and, of course, if you use a coupon, it is much more reasonable. 

Filled with fun "junk"

It has cute little ball feet although its just balanced on my architectural piece right now.

I'm linking up with Kathleen's White Wednesday over at Faded Charm and Debra's Vintage Inspiration Friday.  Stop on over and get filled up on eye candy galor!

Don't forget my Romantic Prairie Style "Show Me Your Style" Photo Challenge that you can enter for a chance to win your very own copy of the fabulous Fifi's Romantic Prairie Style.  Read about it here.  Hope you gals don't mind, but I'm pushing back the deadline to enter the challenge to April 30th.  We all need more time, right?  Or maybe that's just

Until next time,
Judul: Playing with Sophisticated Finishes Patina Solution
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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