It's the little things that make me happy

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 21 Februari 2012 0 komentar

Isn't it amazing what really gets you all fired up?  I have spent several hours over the last few days picking out and printing up fun graphics from The Graphics Fairy to turn into cards to organize my lace yardage.  Speaking of The Graphics Fairy, isn't it awesome how much more beautiful homes, studios, offices, and other spaces all over the world are because of Karen and her unbelievable files?  There must be hundreds of thousands of projects created because she has made it so easy for us to access her treasure trove.  But I digress...below is my almost completed project.

Since things are shaping up in my studio, I've been a busy little bee making pretty containers and dressing up bottles and jars to hold buttons and the huge amount of floatsum that I seem to attract in the name of art.  Lace is something I'm fairly passionate about and, while there is something magical about a huge heap of beautiful lace to dig through, the reality is, you can damage it or just plain not be able to find what you had in mind for a particular project with the piling and digging system of "organization".

So, I began the process of finding cool graphics to make card that the lace could be wrapped around, making it easier to deal with and, naturally, PRETTIER to look at.  I had no idea how much lace I had until I started trying to corral it.  And this, mind you, is only the yardage, not the short little pieces or the very large pieces.

I must say though, I think my goal has been accomplished:  I wanted to have a visual display that not only allowed me easier access for projects, but that made me happy to look at it just as it sits.  I printed on cardstock and then put pretty vintage wallpaper on the back (which I forgot to photograph-bad blogger, no biscuit!), then edged with a little distress ink.  If I were to start over, I'd put the cardstock onto thin cardboard and then add the wallpaper to make it a little more substantial, but it turned out okay as is.

My houseful of boys just ignored my printing and pasting as long as food was tossed in their general direction on a fairly regular basis and the heaps of lace weren't in the footpath.  I've given up trying to get high fives or raves from Mr. FL on this kind of stuff.  He just isn't into it although I think he likes seeing me happy puttering and that counts for something.  Besides, I've got you girls (and even a guy or two) who think this all makes perfect sense, right?

On a related note, my shelves in my studio closet of dreams are installed and painted.  I think I had to do the lace project just to occupy my mind and hands so I wouldn't rush the paint drying process and end up with lots of pretty stuff stuck to my un-cured shelves.  On a very happy note for me, by the time I hit my next day off (day after tomorrow, but who's counting???), I should be able to start loading them up.  I am SOOOOO excited about that.  Do you think it's odd that I asked my husband after the last shelf was painted to join me in the closet for a glass of wine?  No, of course you don't think it's odd, cause you get me, right?  And if you don't, you'll humor me and keep it to yourself cause you guys are nice like that. We dragged a couple of chairs in and spent a little time talking before dinner that night and I was so happy and giddy over the closet (could have been the paint fumes I suppose...).    Well, I'm going to get my little post posted and link up to a party or two.  Why don't you come along?  Digressing again, but is anyone else having to force themselves to get off of Pinterest and actually do something?  Yikes, it's like virtual crack.  Does that make me a crack ho???  Oh well, this too shall settle down, I'm sure.

Until next time,

Linking up with:
White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Feathered Nest Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Home Sweet Home
At the Picket Fence Inspiration Friday
Thrifty Things Friday
Potpourri Friday
Friday at Redoux
Creative Things Thursday
Saturday Night Special 
Brag Monday

UPDATE:  As a fun aside, look at the cool pic I found on Pinterest.  According to the pinner, it means life is made of small happiness, in other words, it's the little things in life...

Judul: It's the little things that make me happy
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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