The beauty is in the details...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Selasa, 12 Juni 2012 0 komentar
A tall plaster of paris pillar I fauxed many years ago

When I first started reading blogs, the thing I remember being most taken with was the photography (yes, I know, I'm a look-at-the-pretty-pictures kinda girl).  Specifically, I was most enchanted at the way some people were able to zero in on little snippets of an object and make the most  dreamy and wonderful photos.  Those photos made me look for and better appreciate the beautiful details of even ordinary objects...the way the sunlight streams through a window through a lace curtain, the crackle of an old painted finish, the tattered velvet of an old millinery flower, and even the sharp contrast of an old bowl filled with fruit.  While there were MANY talented women out there who inspired me, Heather Bullard, Suzanne Duda, Heather Kowalski, and Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon were the first that I remember just being in awe of; their attention to details in their art and their photography on their blogs made me drool, then and now.  Of course, I've grown the circle now to include so many talented bloggers and shopowners that I couldn't possibly name all of those sources of endless inspiration, but I do appreciate you all for showing me the beauty in the details and for helping me to stretch to find it and photograph it in my own surroundings.

For White Wednesday, I thought I'd share a few details of the many shades of white and gray and textures around my home.  I wish I could say that these little bits of minutia were some of my best photography, but sadly, the muse must have been on vacation today.  Oh well, some days are like that. 

Ironstone butter pats

Frame I made over with Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint

Corner of a frame-love the metal wreath!

Antique hankies

Sweet millinery horseshoe for luck-probably from a wedding long ago

Detail of an ironstone mug

Beautiful pouch from Rhonda at A Little Bit French

Old French letters and various ephemera that inspires me

One of my favorite old gesso mirrors

Little faux enamel tags I made this spring

The tote I won from Tracey at French Larkspur ages ago...LOVE!

Antique hand towels
My favorite little statue
I hope you will join me at Faded Charm for a little more inspiration with all of the wonderful whites of White Wednesday.  Look for the beauty in the little details in your'll be glad you did!

Until next time,
Also sharing at:
Share the Love Wednesday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Judul: The beauty is in the details...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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