The Trouble with Finding Your Passion...

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Minggu, 20 Januari 2013 0 komentar

Hello Bloggie Friends,

First of all, it has been an astonishing first two weeks of business at my Etsy shop, The French Laundry.  YAY!  Sooooooo good for my psyche and good for my soul.  This being said, I must comment on the dangers of finding your passion, living your bliss, and selling only that which you would love to have in your own home (my words from my Etsy shop "mission statement" if you will).  I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE IT IN MY OWN HOME.  This means, each and every time, each and every purchase I make for the shop, I have to go through what I am embarrassed to admit is a somewhat GUT-WRENCHING-prying-this-stuff-out-of-my-chubby-little-hands-you-bought-it-to-sell-it little disco dance.  Really?  It's stuff.  Stuff I don't need cause I've already got plenty of my own stuff thank you very much.  Sigh...but it's SO pretty.  And when it is in piles, waiting to be photographed and described, it makes such a beautiful mess.  Yes, it does.  Mr. French Laundry, in this case, your opinion does not count.  You call it my piles, I call it a beautiful mess.  Half empty, half full...who is the happier one here, huh?  HUH?  Can you tell I'm having a bit of a dilemma?  I visited with a dear friend of mine one afternoon this past week (yes Sharon, I'm talking about you), and we commented on what kindred spirits we are.  We absolutely love the same things and her "work room" is a room I could enter, shut the door, and stay in for DAYS just looking and marveling at all of the beauty just piled up around me.  I kid you not, it is THAT good.  Maybe one of these days I'll do a photo shoot of her pretty piles.  But seriously, she can buy something amazing and turn right around and sell it, just like that, no fuss, no muss.  But not me.  No, I have to love on it for a while.  Put it somewhere and gaze upon it for a bit until I feel I've absorbed it's beauty and can let it go to a new home (some things have to marinate longer than others, I must admit).  That's just how I roll I guess.  But, once I let something go, I have to say, I've never actually had any regrets.  In fact, I can't say I've ever missed a thing.  Oh well, worse problems to have for sure.

I made this powder box out of old materials, even the box itself.

More from the beautiful mess pile.  Swoon...

I added a couple more vintage wallpapers to my wallpaper store on my blog sidebar.  Here's a peek at them:

1940's liles on soft green and white background

1940-50 Sears Harmony House floral clusters on neutral taupe background

I have also been adding new items to Elegant Farmhouse like this pretty Edwardian Motto Pillow:

Well, it is getting late and my laundry basket calls.  Hate that...

Until next time,
Judul: The Trouble with Finding Your Passion...
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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