Husband Tag! A.K.A... Brad Tells My Secrets

Posted by csdferwEHRTJR Senin, 19 Agustus 2013 0 komentar
Hello and happy Monday, Loves!!
So over the weekend, Brad and I finally took the plunge.

...and filmed the Husband Tag.  This video has been by far THE MOST requested video ever.

For years, I wasn't quite sure what this video was all about. I had only seen one where the guy applies makeup to the girl. Never good... haha. Still wrapping my mind around that one...

So we never really thought a whole lot about doing one of these, until I realized what it was actually all about. Questions. Questions that can lead to some pretty embarrassing things about yours truly.
We had SO much fun doing this! Brad and I had talked about it a little bit over the past few weeks about doing this soon.  This past weekend, I bought a new camera and as we were playing around with it Friday, Brad said, "Let's film the husband video tomorrow morning."  Um, heck yes, we did.
We actually had so much fun doing it (and you all have been loving it), that I think we'll probably turn this into a series where we'll answer questions from YOU ALL every month or so. We'll definitely try to do it at least once every two months. Ideally, once a month. We'll make it work!

So check out our first "questions" video below! Don't forget to ask some questions of your own either in the comments of this blog or in the video itself and we may answer them in our next one!

Judul: Husband Tag! A.K.A... Brad Tells My Secrets
Ditulis oleh csdferwEHRTJR
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